
Read and interpret technical engineering drawings

Carefully considered courses to give you the most essential skills to begin a successful Engineering career.

this is an core unit of

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Unit outline

What to expect

This unit of competency defines the skills and knowledge required to read and interpret technical engineering drawings.

Technical engineering drawings may use perspective, exploded views or hidden detail techniques and may include symbol glossaries. Drawings are provided as described in AS 1100.101 Technical drawing – General principles, or other relevant Australian and international standards from the full range of technical engineering disciplines.

Where any technical engineering drawing, sketch, chart or diagram is only used as a technique for communication, then this unit does not apply and unit MEM12023 Perform engineering measurements or unit MEM16006 Organise and communicate information should be selected as appropriate.

This unit should not be selected when MEM09002 Interpret technical drawing has been selected.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

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